welcoming ceremony of Cattle camps from Warrap in the areas of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.
CARDO South Sudan, through Malteser International support, conducted a welcoming ceremony of Cattle camps into
CARDO South Sudan, through Malteser International support, conducted a welcoming ceremony of Cattle camps into
As CARDO and its partners continue to provide assistance to our community in Western Bahr
CARDO organized series of community dialogues among the farmers and cattle keepers in Dhekau and
As the year is coming to an end CARDO protection unit continues its support of
As CARDO partners continue to boost the capacity of CARDO to render services to the
CARDO and other partners took part in 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
CARDO inaugurate Eastern Bank Women and Girls Friendly Space (WGFS) and it was officiated by
CARDO in collaboration with Norwegian Church Aid concluded two days consultative workshop on Family planning,
CARDO through its partner Malteser International have been working in promoting social cohesion among the
CARDO took part in commemorating the world suicide prevention day. World Suicide Prevention Day is