Thematic Programs focus

  1. Peace Building, Good governance, and Conflict Mitigation
  2. Gender and Protection (GBV, CP and General Protection)
  3. Education and WASH,
  4. Food Security Livelihood and Nutrition.
  5. Emergency Response and Relief Assistance

CARDO ensures working in remote rural areas which are hard to reach in south Sudan. We seek to provide humanitarian assistance to families affected by disasters and conflicts while partnering with the host communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty. CARDO is motivated by the potential in youth, elderly, women, and children; we optimize their role to foster peaceful co-existence and economic empowerment in areas we operate around the country.

Our Approaches.

Advanced Community-Based Participatory Approach:
We acknowledge that communities have better solutions to the challenges that face them. We believe in listening and recognizing community challenges, empowering them, and enhancing their capacities to effectively break the interlocking poverty trap. We adopt the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to stimulate dialogue with communities about underlying factors that perpetuate poverty and enter consensus on how to eliminate vulnerability, illiteracy, exclusion, and powerlessness.

Program Quality:
For our work to make the best possible contribution in tackling poverty and free community of poverty and violence, the programs we deliver are of the highest quality. They are based on research and solid evidence, adhere to global standards, and be subject to vigorous measurements. Delivering high-quality programs depends on our staff using robust processes to manage every aspect of our operations and program work for the organizational reputations of quality.

Working in Partnership:
We believe in partnering with Government (line Ministries), donors, communities, corporate, academia, and other humanitarian and development actors in order to effectively achieve our vision. This means combining our expertise to confront poverty in order to achieve sustainable human development.

We are focusing to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) with focuses on goal 16 (peace and security).Drawing strength from our diversity, resources, and experience, we promote innovative solutions and are advocates for national responsibility. Guided by the aspirations of local communities, we pursue our mission with both excellence and compassion because the people whom we serve deserve nothing less. We facilitate lasting change by:
• Strengthening capacity for self-help and resilience.
• Providing economic opportunity
• Delivering relief in emergencies
• Influencing policy decisions at all levels for better response.
• Addressing discrimination in all its forms

Community Empowerment and Commitment.
CARDO believes that given timely and appropriate support all disaster-affected communities have an inherent ability to pull themselves out of crises. Therefore, the approach adopted when implementing our programs is fully participatory; in which ideas from the affected communities form the basic foundation of our planning, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all initiatives. We also expect full commitment to these values from our staff, partners, and targeted beneficiaries.

Emergency Response and Relief Assistance
As the prevailing conflict enters its sixth year without sustainable peace being enjoy by the citizens, CARDO has responded in locations where we have and can provide value-added humanitarian assistance and where security allows. Our emergency response, in Western Bahr el Ghazal state, builds on existing programs and technical expertise such as (1) Peacebuilding, Good governance, Conflict mitigation, and social cohesion among the pastoralist and farming communities. (2) Creation of awareness on water, sanitation, and hygiene, (3) Basic education back to learning campaigns (4) food security and livelihoods (5) General protection. CARDO’s initial assessments indicate that more than 60 percent of displaced people around the country are women and children. We ensure that our response programming takes into consideration the different needs of women, men, boys, and girls. Through our collaboration with other humanitarian partners across the country.