CARDO received a high-level delegation from Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
CARDO South Sudan and its partner NCA continue to provide assistance to our needy community
CARDO South Sudan and its partner NCA continue to provide assistance to our needy community
CARDO and other Protection partners (UNHCR, UNMISS-CDT, and UNFPA) concluded three days of awareness raising
CARDO took part in the 77th commemoration of the United Nations Day in Wau, Western
CARDO South Sudan has handed over a new police station to the community of Kuajiena
CARDO protection unit has conducted training for the Community Response Team (CRT) in Naivasha, Hai
as CARDO continues to deliver services to the community of WBeG and South Sudan at
Given the trying situation girls and women find themselves in during emergencies, menstruatual management demand
CARDO South Sudan Protection team continued their support to People with Specific Needs (PSNs), the
On the International Day of Peace (Peace Mission Week), CARDO was very Honoured to Receive
CARDO with support from USAID through DT Global has distributed over 300 radios to different