CARDO organized series of community dialogues among the farmers and cattle keepers in Dhekau and Ekana of Jur River County. The one-day dialogue organized by CARDO, supported by #Malteser_International brought together the cattle keepers from the neighboring community of Warrap who have already arrived with their animals in search of pastures and water and farmers from Dhekau and Ekana of Jur River County. Among the participants were the chiefs, Payam administrators, Majok-wuts (Cattle Camps Head), youth and women leaders. Other key stakeholders participated during the event including representatives from Malteser International, Peace Building and Reconciliation Working Group (PRWG) members, Interstate Coordinating Committee on Cattle Seasonal Movement (ICCCSM), State Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Peace Building, Human Right Commission, and Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission. In conclusion of the dialogues, both communities commit to the peaceful coexistence, continuous dialogue, and respect of rule of law throughout the seasonal cattle movement.